Saturday, July 18, 2009

I can not tell you how much fun we had. There was hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, tomatos from the garden, and onions. watermelon, cantolope, cake, Tangy coconut tarts, blueberry cheesecake bars, Irresistible Lemom Chiffon pie. Thanks to my daugther in-law for all the desserts. There were 14 guest. Thanks to all of you for coming. They were so pleased with they goodie bags that splenda sent for each of them. All of the guest either had diabites or a family member did. They were so glad for the cookbooks. Thanks Splenda For everything.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kroger again

Here we go again.

They are not all pictured, but 20 Bounty paper towels. total $12.60

.63 each coupon .25 doubles .50 = .13 each or $2.60

24 Playtex gloves $1.00 buy 10 get $5.00 of makes them .50 each

coupons $1.00 = 10.00 overage

2 Tums $3.50 each coupons one $1.00 and one for $1.25 =$4.75

10 Tylenol $3.00 buy 10 get $5.00 off. total $30.00

coupons $2.00 plus 5 for .40 doubled .80

Any way total out of pocket $6.53 total saved $115.38 I LOVE KROGER'S

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today was just to good. I bought 175 items for $140.00. I am still in shock.

Here are the best deals.

Kelloggs ceral 9 boxes at a $1.99 each. coupon $1.00 singles and then 4 coupons for $1.00/2 =.49 each
A. 1. steak sauce 2 bottles at $2.49 coupons $2.00 and $1.25/2 = +.27
Tennessee Pride sausage 2/$5.00 coupons $1.50/2 =$3.50
Krogers hamburger 1lb. roll $1.79 buy the sausage get $1.00 each roll = .79
Secret deodorant $2.33 each coupon $1.00 and $1.00/2 = .88
Kraft salad dressing $1.29 each coupon $1.00 = .29
Kraft barbeuce sauce $1.08 coupons .50 doubles = .08
Dixie paper plates and bowls $1.49 each coupon .50 doubles = .49

These are some of the better deals, but if you check to see how much I paid per item .87 each.

Here is monday morning haul. To good to be true.